Inexpensive and reliable, Gallofree Yards’ GR-75- class medium transport is one of the most common bulk freighters found in the spacelanes. Used the galaxy over by both military and commercial concerns as a heavy lifter and long-haul transport, the GR-75 has a unique hull design consisting of a central spar or keel holding the ship’s reactor core connecting a vast network of automated cargo racks that can be easily adapted to carry containerized cargo of any size.
The cargo containers (or even passenger pods) are locked into place with heavy magnetic shields that keep them secure and protect them from the dangerous environment of deep space, and the entire skeleton is covered in a heavy armored durasteel clamshell containing the ship’s engines. With the majority of the ship's space given over to its cargo, the seven crew are relegated to a cramped command pod perched along the spine.
Gallofree Yards' stock GR-75s have no weapon systems. Many civilian operators, looking for an upgrade from the weaponless GR-45 transport, forego aftermarket weapons modifications, relying instead on convoy escorts and security force patrols. Military or paramilitary forces sometimes employ the GR-75 as an underway replenishment or evacuation ship and add a weapons array for point defense. Latching on to a new space in the market, Gallofree offered a subsidized upgrade program called the GR-75 combat retrofit. Although they require lengthy time in dry dock, these retrofits allow up to four turrets to be installed - more than the stock power grid can accommodate. While Kuat Drive Yards discontinued this subsidy program after taking over a bankrupt Gallofree, the retrofit is simple for a major shipyard to conduct.
Edge of the Empire, page 261-262
Starships and Speeders, page 83