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Cohort Atlas
Name | Skill | Damage | Crit | Range | Qualities | ||
Shot Pistol | Ranged-Light | 6 | 4 | Short | |||
Ranged-Light 6 4 Short 1816 275 1 1 2 QualitiesShot weapons are the most common projectile weapons found throughout the galaxy. They use a wide range of propellants and ammunition, from archaic explosive chemical propellants to electromagnetic coil launchers. Whatever the design, most tend to be cheap and durable, if less powerful than an equivalent beam weapon. | |||||||
Unarmed | Brawl | 2 | 5 | Engaged | Disorient 1, Knockdown | ||
Brawl 2 5 Engaged 1713 0 0 0 0 Qualities
Fighting without any weapon in hand. | |||||||
Ambassadorial Staff | Melee | 4 | 5 | Engaged | Knockdown, Stun 3, Superior, Symbol of Authority | ||
Melee 4 5 Engaged 3641 280 3 3 1 Qualities
A leftover tradition from the Lazax, wielding this ceremonial staff allows sentients on government or royal business to communicate their importance to others. This device is approximately two meters in length and is normally adorned with the wielder's symbol of office. Traditionally, the Lazax also built discreet electrostatic projectors into the staff, allowing their ambassadors to defends themselves in an emergency. 750 7 1 Gain Superior Modifiers |
Name | D100 | Severity | Result |
Talent Pyramid | ||
Cosmopolitan Upbringing Cosmopolitan Upbringing Proper Upbringing Proper Upbringing Sound Investments Sound Investments Historical Record Historical Record Driven to Succeed Driven to Succeed Primacy Primacy Bought Info Bought Info Counteroffer Counteroffer Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 |
Name | Soak | Defense | Qualities | ||
Space Suit | 1 | 1 | Thuster Pack, Vacuum-Sealed | ||
3211 400 2 3 0 1 1 Qualities
| |||||
Dignitary's Garb | 0 | 0 | Regalia of Authority | ||
3854 125 4 1 1 0 0 Qualities
120 6 1 Add to Leadership checks Modifiers |
Name | Quantity | Encum | Rarity | Price | ||
Savant | 0 | 1 | 1 | 150 | ||
0 9519 150 1 1 Qualities
Most individuals own a savant, a small and powerful personal computer that can be held in one hand, worn on a limb, or even worn as a piece of jewelry and activated with voice commands or a neural link. The device serves as a computational system, a link to whatever informational network is present at a particular location, and a communication device. | ||||||
Mechanimiliar | 0 | 2 | 2 | 200 | ||
0 4078 200 2 2 Qualities
Familiars are a series of robotic drones designed to aid their owners in a variety of tasks. They have simplistic artificial intelligence and typically assist with basic household functions such as cooking, cleaning, and entertainment. More advanced models provide support in certain professions: mechanimiliars assist with repairs, while scimiliars advise on a variety of scientific disciplines. Regardless of a familiar's model, its sensors can be linked to a computer, providing the user with an additional perspective when examining an area. | ||||||
Comm-Bead | 1 | 0 | 2 | 50 | ||
1 9000 50 2 0 QualitiesThese communication devices come in an assortment of shapes and sizes. A comm-bead allows the wearer to send and receive audio communications. Its speakers can be adjusted so that anyone at short range can hear the transmitted sound or so that only the wearer hears it. This device is sensitive enough to pick up the wearer's speech even if they're whispering. Comm-beads are capable of communicating with ships in orbit or across a planet's surface to a distance of a thousand kilometers. To transmit farther, they need to be linked to an FTL transmitter or an orbital relay network. | ||||||
Pouches and Packs | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | ||
1 7316 0 1 0 Qualities
Every species in the galaxy has invented some means of carrying more stuff. Although each pouch, backpack, or satchel is different depending on the physiology of the species carrying it, such items all follow the same basic principles. |
Background | ||
Motivation | ||
Desire, Fear, Strength, Flaw | ||
Name | Description | Private? |
General | ||